呢毯为羊毛和耐温纤维产品,基布为聚酯干网,使用时呢毯门幅长度无收缩、伸长现象。厚度为6~8mm。克重2500~ 3000gm"。是丝绸、面料、牛仔布、染整、炼染、印染、织造等行业布匹预缩机专用呢毯。根据客户不同产品使用说明特制。
The woolen blanket is the woolen and high-temperature-resistant fabric product with the polyester dry net as the sub strate.During the usage there are no phenomena of convergence shrinking and extending.The thickness is 6~8 mm,and the weight is 2500~ 3000g/㎡.It is the woolen blanket special for the cloth pre-reduction machine in the industries of silk,textile fabric,denim,dyeing and finishing,polishing and dyeing,printing and dyeing and knitting.The product can be specially made following the different instructions of the clients.
Applied to: Su textile machinery,Zheng textile machinery,and all kinds of imported pre-reduction machines,such as Morrison and Monforts.